Welcome to Exmouth District High School Parents & Citizens Association

About the P&C

P&C stands for Parents and Citizens AssociationThe Exmouth District High School P&C works collaboratively to raise funds to support the school. Events that are organised by the P&C reflect the sense of community we have at the school. In addition, the P&C is a point of contact for new parents, and provides opportunities for parents and carers to stay involved and up to date.
Thanks to the P&C volunteers who run the uniform shop. Each year the P&C aims to raise funds to support the school, support extra-curricular opportunities and educational programs These funds make such an impact across both Primary and High School.
Family involvement in the school is always encouraged and it is fun! We are very fortunate to be supported by many committed families who put an admirable amount of energy into events through the year, that are enjoyed by the parents, staff and children.

The P&C holds meetings once per term and these are held at various locations. Meeting date and location are advertised on our Facebook page. These meetings are friendly and relaxed with children more than welcome . The Principal attends these meetings and provides a very informative update. We follow an agenda and minutes are emailed to members or are available upon request.

Everyone is welcome and it’s a wonderful way to learn more about the school and have your input!